RBNA Badge
Tollington Park to King's Road


The Princess Royal House
The TA Centre
London Road
Stonecott Hill
Telephone: 020 8355 3691
The Princess Christian Army Nursing Reserve was founded by H.R.H. Princess Christian and Mrs. Bedford-Fenwick in the Council Chamber of the Association. It was through being founders of the first Territorial Reserve Nursing Service that the present executives approached the Duke of York's Headquarters requesting accommodation when it became necessary to move from Upper Tollington Park at Finsbury Park in 1995. The Authorities allowed the Association to rent offices to continue the work of the Association administering the charities.
Many of us will remember with affection the RBNA premises in North London. For so many years with the unflappable and invincible Mrs Vosterman at the helm, the house became a temporary home rather than simply somewhere to stay in London. In its own way the RBNA became a cultural cross-roads, exchanging ideas on the various aspects of our profession and countless lively discussions took place. It was a pleasure to meet colleagues from around the world, often renewing friendships cultivated over the years.
After Mrs Vosterman's death in 1990, members of the Committee rallied to help keep the Club open and a debt of gratitude is owed to those willing ladies who helped at this difficult time. The high cost of major structural repairs and maintenence made it impracticable to continue at these premises and, sadly, the house had to be sold in 1996. With this departure, a fondly remembered chapter in the RBNA's history was brought to an end.
Union Jack Club
Members of RBNA are welcomed at the Union Jack club which is situated in Waterloo Road, opposite Waterloo Station. Members are requested to state that they are honorary members when booking and to show their RBNA Membership card when checking in to the club.
The Waterloo area provides excellent underground and bus services to all parts of the capital.

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