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RBNA Newsletter

The Princess Royal House
After ten comfortable years at the Princess Royal House, Territorial Army Centre in Sutton, the RBNA moved into the new offices in Mitcham. The RBNA welcomed and bid farewell to the soldiers who took over the old premises and will now be stationed there.

The Royal British Nurses Association (RBNA) was founded in 1887 when Dr and Mrs Bedford Fenwick invited a number of medical practitioners and Matrons to meet for forming an organisation for nurses, similar to the British Medical Association. H.R.H Princess Christian was approached and agreed to be the first President.

The RNBA was the very first professional organisation to be formed by nurses and remains the oldest in the world. One of the main aim of its founder, Mrs. Bedford Fenwick, was the registration of nurses and almost at once the RBNA opened its own membership role and list of registered members.

Mrs Bedford Fenwick was the principal protagonist in the fight for the state registration of nurses in the United Kingdom. This was achieved through the Nurses Registration Act 1919.Act passed in 1919. It was the first to receive the Royal Charter.

On Education
They were the first body of professional women to have been granted a Royal Charter for 3 years training for a nurse to be qualified and the first to establish an examination for a diploma in nursing.

Annual Report for the year ending 31st December 2013
A brief account of the annual report for 2013 will be followed by acknowledging past and present Executive members who have helped the Royal British Nurses’ Association to continue into the 21st century.

AGM 2013
Miss Campbell welcomed Dr. Aubrey Rose CBE, OBE, President RBNA; Guest Speaker, Miss Lianne Smith, RBNA Archives Service Manager, Kings College Library Service, London Miss Nora Flanagan, Operational Manager London Region, Royal College of Nurses and all others present.

A list of names was read out for members who were unable to be in attendance. It was received and accepted.

The minutes were read, accepted, and signed by the President.

Matters Arising
The President in his message to members stated that nursing is a golden thread that runs through society. The Royal British Nurses’ Association has set a high standard of care, experience and knowledge by requiring three years of training and the same love and care extended to all be it in a hospital, hospice or in a home, thus promoting restored health, hope and peace of mind to all. Miss Nora Flanagan was asked what the 3 R’s meant when one went to A & E.....A clear response was given.

Financial Accounts
The Accounts for 2012 was prepared by Mr Chris Hopkins at Park Accountants Ltd. This was accepted. It was agreed that Mr A. R. Arnott and his team at Saffery Champness, Lion House, Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4GB should be appointed to do the accounts for 2013, which was approved by all.

Coutts & Co
Coutts & Co and Blackrock do the investments for the charities.

Mr Ian Fleming – Director for Charity Investment visited the Royal British Nurses’ Association executive committee, explained the new legislation regarding advice and its fee. He explains the risk factor and that the portfolio was volatile. A new bank mandate was signed.

Charity Commission
The Charity Accounts are sent to the Charity Commissioners as requested when they are prepared.

Election of Officers
Owing to ill health Miss Johns is standing down from the Executive Committee. Mrs Zahra Tondkar Balaei was moving back to Canada. No other changes.

RBNA Archives
Many researchers continue to gain information from the RBNA Archives and some people who required information regarding their relatives who were also members of the RBNA.

The statistics below relate to the use of RBNA material from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013.

  • Number of written research enquiries using RBNA archives: 19
  • Number of visits to view RBNA archives: 5
  • Use of RBNA material in publications: 1

New Members
Four new members joined in 2013. We sincerely hope they will be supportive as the RBNA is one of the oldest nursing organisations in the world.

Miss Lianne Smith – Archives Services Manager User Services
spoke about how researchers not doing medicine or nursing, were very interested in the Royal British Nurses Association history.

Topics that researchers undertake was :

a) Genealogical research into members of the Royal British Nurses’ Association,
b) Academic research into members of the Royal British Nurses Association and the impact on social history.
c) On teaching : Care Degree courses, widening participation and working with school age student, pioneering nurses in conjunction with volunteers from the third age.

Her talk was very stimulating as it showed how formidable these women were by laying the foundation for the nursing profession. Time was given for answers and questions.

Vote of Thanks
Miss Bevelry Allen gave the vote of thanks with a floral bouquet to the speaker, Miss Lianne Smith.

Miss Liverton following a stroke remains in a nursing home. It is with much sadness to have received the death of Dr. John Sloss who was very generous in his financial support to the Royal British Nurses’ Association. Sympathy was sent to Mrs. M Sloss. Also condolence to the first female Prime Minister Mrs Margaret Thatcher’s family. A response was received from the family and a photo of Mrs Thatcher was sent. This photo will go into the Royal British Nurses Association Archives.

Any other business
The Royal British Nurses’ Assoication will be looking for a new office in 2014. President was thanked by Miss Campbell for being in attendance. It was a great pleasure to have Miss Nora Flannagan from the Royal College of Nursing at the AGM.

An Honour
For all my achievements during my nursing career, it is indeed an honour to be acknowledged and, with great sincerity, may I thank all those who have given me such support.

In 2012 & 2013, Miss Campbell received the Windrush and Beyond Nurses Gala Award from Miss Nora Flanagan, Royal College of Nursing for overall contribution to the nursing profession. Also, as part of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Miss Campbell (being a nurse from a Commonwealth Country) received the Queen’s Medal. The Jamaican High Commissioner, Her Excellence Alun Ndombet Assamba was in attendance.

The British Caribbean Association celebrating 55 years (2013) Miss Campbell (who was a former Treasurer and a long standing member) received a trophy for service to the community.

In order to remain steadfast and true and to continue to uphold the aims and objectives of the Royal British Nurses’ Association each member is required to give their financial support by paying their subscription which is due on the first of January and by doing so will be contributing to the administration of the association. Please give your support for its continuation.

Meeting closed at 3 pm. The date of the next annual general meeting is 25th June 2014.

Presented by Miss. H. M. Campbell SRN, SCM
Vice President RBNA and Chairman of Funds


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