RBNA Newsletter
Annual Report 2011 |
In 2011 the country went through a terrible economic climate with protest strikes, riots, unemployment, and many people suffering financially. Parliament, as our seat of administration, should have less demonstrative debates by so doing set a good example!
It is like a breath of fresh air to be able to congratulate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on her Golden Diamond Jubilee 60 years reign and Her Majesty has most graciously acknowledged by thanking the RBNA and signing her name Elizabeth R.
In 2011, we all shared the joy of the wedding of HRH the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. A request for the Duchess to be Patron of the RBNA with a copy of the Royal Charter and details of the formation of the RBNA were sent to the Duchess. In an unusual coincidence, unknown to the Duchess, the RBNA founder and First President, HRH Princess Christian also founded the Needle School workshop in Hampton Court where HRH the Duchess of Cambridge's bridal dress was embroided.
HRH the Duchess of Cambridge in her recent response was very interested in the history of the RBNA but owing to her various commitments had to decline, but she sent her good wishes.
AGM 2011
Miss Campbell was delighted that the President Aubrey Rose CBE was able to be in attendance. The guest speaker was Miss Kate Shawcross, Borough Archivist, and Local Study Manager at the London Borough of Sutton. Miss Campbell welcomed all present.
Members are scattered all over the world and most executive members have to travel a long distance to the RBNA premises. Apologies were named and listed.
Read and signed as accurate.
Financial Accounts
There was a lot of difficulty dealing with Barclays Bank pic; mainly because the business managers were situated in Chelsea and Birmingham and were not able to visit or help us in a timely fashion and we suffered a lot of delay in getting responses. Through Barclays Regional Managers, we requested the RBNA banking be transferred to the local Sutton branch where we could seek immediate advice and also claimed some form of financial compensation for the 2 years of inconvenience suffered. This they honoured and now the Business relationship between Barclays and the RBNA has much improved.
2011 Accounts accepted as presented
The accounts were prepared by Chris Hopkins, Park Accountants, 1 Approach Road, Raynes Park, London SW20 and they were reappointed to do the accounts for the coming year.
Donations were collected for the Mary Seacole statue and a cheque has been prepared towards the cost of erecting her statue in London.
Election of Officers
Dr Stephanie Kirby resigned as Co-ordinator (and unfortunately Dr Kirby passed away end of 2011). Miss Johns nominated Zahra Tondkar Balaei as Co ordinator and motion was carried. All officers were re-elected.
Coutts & Co. and Black Rock
Looks after the RBNA investments and does the buying and selling of shares for The Trained Nurses Annuity Fund (Charity No. 209883), Ethel Mary Fletcher Fund for Nurses (Charity No. 209887) and the Helena Benevolent Fund (Charity No. 209885).
Charity Commission
The auditors' accounts are sent once a year to the Charity Commission and a representative from Coutts & Co meets and advises the Executive Members on how the portfolio has progressed. It was interesting to note a School Association had some problem with the Charity Commission in connection with their record keeping and the judge favoured the School Association, stating that in future the Charity Commission should set out its requirements more clearly.
RBNA Archives
For easy access and safe keeping the contents of the RBNA Archives is deposited at Kings College at the Strand where researchers are able to visit. The archivists also handle referrals from the RBNA by email. The Archives are visited by many people and the statistics below relate to the use of RBNA material from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011.
- Number of written research enquiries using RBNA archives: 29
- Number of visits to view RBNA archives: 42
- Use of RBNA material in publication: 1
(Photograph reference RBNA P194/1, used in Tracing Your Service Women Ancestors by Mary Ingham, published by Pen & Sword.
From time to time, the RBNA receives invitations....one to attend Her Majesty's Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. Others are from the General Medical Council to attend a seminar on the effect of Aspirin and its cost effectiveness, the National Health Service Conference and the Charity conference for Fund raising, and War Museum on Nurses - World War I and II.
Emails Received
Emails were received from Ken Ross, General Hospital Brighton, proposing his petition be signed by the RBNA. His belief is that a debate should take place in Parliament to show that modern•training of nurses as a degree course at a university does not provide sufficient
practical experience in the care of patients. This infers that because nurses are spending time on their education, they have less time to spend on the wards. In response I would suggest to Ken Ross that he should spend some time visiting the RBNA Archives at Kings College in the Strand. In highlighting the role of the third President of the RBNA in promoting education and the high standard of care and honouring Miss Mary Smallwood Cochrane RRC SRN.
A profile of Miss Mary Smallwood CochraneRRC SRN
Third President of the Royal British Nurses' Association

Honouring and remembering the Third President of The Royal British Nurses Association for her values, caring, and dedication, care of the sick and promoting education. She was awarded The Royal Red Cross by King George V in recognition of her work during the war in 1912. As Matron of Charing Cross Hospital, she achieved significant progress in care of patients and in education. She saw that loving and comforting tender care was given to all patients.
'Training of Nurses'
At that period Nurse's training consisted of four years. Hours of duty were 52 hours per week, having only a half day off. Miss Cochrane persuaded the Board of Governors that nurses should have a whole day off. She was an active member of the National Council and International Council for Nurses. In 1923 she formed the League of Nurses for Charing Cross Hospital. She also wrote a book on Nursing. The motto being serves God and be cheerful. She died in 1965. In her memory, a scholarship h,as been set up for the best Care Nurse Manager at Charing Cross Hospital. If today nurses could remain more dedicated, more caring, giving service to others and be more cheerful and less demanding then there might not be so many problems. Care and dedication are most important.
The RBNA maintains its aims and objectives and continues to promote nurses' training and education. It upholds the professional standard of care and the value of the nursing profession.
Response to Dr Joanne Clinton, Nursing Shortage Campaign
In response to current criticism and email petitions for strike action regarding shortage of nurses and low pay. Firstly there will always be a shortage of nurses due to a lack of education, sickness and pregnancy, which does not allow them to complete the full course. Then, even when they complete the course, they often go abroad to work in USA, Canada, Australia for better pay with a few dedicated leaving to work in underdeveloped countries. Lastly, he days when qualified nurses signed a contract to work for one year on the ward, nurses had a duty of care working either in the community or in the hospital - after working for one year in training school you were reduced to a student nurses' pay if doing another course. All nurses in their duty of care should never forget basic hygiene because of their academic training; this should not be left to the ancillary health care to do.
What would be the response if, at a national and international level, those of us whose pension is based on long hours and low pay should seek compensation to survive in today's economic climate.
Miss Campbell was a delegate from Camden-Islington at the International Confederation of Midwives 18th International Congress held in 1978 in Israel. Spain and Brazil joined the
Union of Midwives and made a motion that at an international level all Midwives should strike to oppose the motion. On the platform, Miss Campbell said
"This is Jerusalem the holy city. Our Lord was born in a manger - babies (if it's a normal birth), will come into this world at no given time and with no one in attendance. So what would be the hours of duty for strike action? I hereby move that on NO ACCOUNT midwives should ever strike"- motion was carried.
I was not aware that the professional press of the Nursing Standard was recording the event. It is indeed'rather painful to see the conduct of caring professionals behaving like they do nowadays because of low pay. This is why I feel the RBNA should not sign any petition to strike.
Presented by Miss H.M. Campbell SRN SCM, Vice President
Also special thanks to the following:
Miss Zahra Tondkar Balaie for providing all the refreshments and the bouquet of flowers for the Speaker.
Miss Kate Shawcross as guest speaker
Jamaica - 50 Glorious Years of Independence
Miss Campbell, Vice President, sends congratulations to her country of origin and to celebrate Jamaica's 50 Glorious Years of Independence - a service will be held on 21 July 2012 at:
The Methodist Church
Methodist Central Hall, Westminster London SW1H 9NH
[email protected]
Tel: 020 7654 3809
Message to RBNA - 2012 In 2011 I referred to the upheavals in the world. That pattern of violence and inhumanity has continued unabated on so many continents.
How wonderful therefore was it for me a few months ago to attend a gathering at the RBNA Archives in Kings College, London where papers were presented detailing the early days of The Royal British Nurses Association.
Months of research has preceded the meeting so that the picture described was a comprehensive one. I was so impressed by the professionalism, the sheer courage and devotion to duty, shown by those early pioneers. What an example they set.
All members of the RBNA can therefore be proud to belong to a body founded and developed by women of such sterling quality, self-discipline and outstanding dedication. '
I send my warmest greetings to all members for a year of health and of peace.

Aubrey Rose
President RBNA
Annual Report 2010 |
As there was so much doom and gloom in 2010 from strikes, credit crunch, various protests, bankers bonus', flood, earthquake, hurricane, swine flu and several other disasters, even so for some, the low interest paying the mortgage was good - but for the RBNA investment it was not so good. For some 10/10/2010 was lucky.
Therefore it is best to pause a little and see what the RBNA have achieved over the years and give thanks for all the small mercies, by remembering some of our founder members for promoting the Nursing Profession. Like Mrs Bedford Fenwick, Ms Laviena Dock and Ms M Adelaide, whose petition for the Registration of Nurses Act 1919 and with the support of our very first President HRH Princess Christian and her mother Queen Victoria. The registration Act was passed, thus making it legally binding and that nurses should be properly recognised and educated.
As I watched and listened to Her Majesty's Christmas message to the nation the topic being sport, I suddenly remembered my comprehensive high school days, where I played netball and badminton. The Headmaster the Rev. Mitchell taught myself and the girls team how to play cricket. While competing in friendly harmonious rivalry, mutual respect is maintained. Sports not only opened doors, but it helps one to be more objective and well balanced! As Her Majesty's Christmas message was delivered from Hampton Court where HRH Princess Christian founded the Needlework School, the RBNA Banner was made at Hampton Court and Her Royal Highness also founded the Territorial Army reserve as a result the RBNA office is at theTA Centre, Stonecot Hill, Surrey. Such a great vision at that period for nurses, to be recognised as a profession and be better educated. The training for qualified nurses still consists of three years but is attached to a university.
The celebration of "The Thinking Nurse" Florence Nightingale, will always be honoured for the excellent work in the Crimean War and for sanitisation all over the world, although she was against the Registration Act for Nurses. Mary Seacole should also be remembered for her role in the Crimean War. The legacy of The Florence Nightingale School of Nursing at St .Thomas Hospital London lives on.
The annual AGM the President Aubrey Rose CBE OBE D.U.NIV was unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances. His apology was accepted. Also for the very first time Dr Stephanie Kirby, Executive Co-ordinator was unable to be in attendance, other members apologies were also received, not that the Northern Line Tube strike helped.
Minutes of the previous year was read and signed as accurate.
RBNA request for a Charity Status
The response from the Charity Commission was not accepted. They interpreted from the Royal Charter that the charity was not for the general public, which is very
inaccurate. The Helena Benevolent Fund was set up after the death of Princess
Christian, which is solely for RBNA members only. The other charities is for any qualified nurse who is sick or disabled and unable to work. If funds are available the referrals from various agencies can be granted.
The sub group headed by Dr. Stephanie Kirby on the formation of new application forms was formally accepted and new forms printed.
Financial Account
The Executive members and all present had copies of the chartered accounts as adopted by Saffery & Champness who is the third largest company in the UK. Owing to the Financial situation, it became necessary to inform them that their services were no longer required and instead Chris Hopkins of Park Accountant's, 1 Approach Road, Raynes Park, London has been appointed to do the accounts.
Copies of The Trained Nurses Annuity Fund and the Ethel Mary Fletcher Fund audited accounts have been sent to the Charity Commissioner. The senior investment manager Edward Kirwan from Coutts & Co met the Executive Committee and discuss how volatile the account is regarding the buying and selling of shares. For the very first time letters were sent to the annuitants that the amount and their Christmas bonus would be reduced. The majority were most grateful and thankful that they were informed before the payment, their response and some responses indicated they were aware of the financial situation. That affects all of us these days but were most grateful.
The guest speaker was Eleanor Bloom a former metropolitan Police woman, who spoke on Personal Safety at home and out in the community. This was a very useful demonstrative talk. The vote of thanks was given by Miss Campbell.
Election of Officers
The election of officers remains unchanged but Miss Angela Searle was duly elected as assistant secretary. She has been a long standing member of the association. She was trained at the local hospital, St Helier Hospital, Carshalton, Surrey, 1988-1991 and is a very dedicated nurse and also to the RBNA.
Four new members joined
It was indeed a pleasure to receive Miss Margaret Forbes member of RBNA from New Zealand, who visited us in the summer. She had been unable to attend the Annual General Meeting due to swine flu.
The Archives
There is not a week that goes by, that researchers do not contact us, be it on the history of nursing or for tracing nursing relatives that might have been members of the RBNA. From Europe to the United Kingdom- The UK statistics of the rate of patients falling in hospital - How this is dealt with, to topics on ward management, This gives some indication on the referrals which is relevant to The Royal College of Nursing Archives in Scotland. Another example is Sandra Jeschke doing her PhD, and would like registered nurses to help by participating in the project.
To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II the RBNA is most thankful, for her support to the RBNA to attend. one of her garden parties at Buckingham Palace.
An invitation from the ambassador of the Philippines to attend a reception at the court of StJames was received. An invitation to attend, The Thinking Nurse Florence Nightingale Exhibition at Kings College, The Strand, London, was attended by the President Aubrey Rose CBE and Mr Richard Bowden MA Archivists. Miss Campbell Vice President and Miss Angela Searle Assistant Secretary attended a Role of Honour celebration of British, Irish and Commonwealth Nurses at The Royal College of Nursing who fought in the First and Second World Wars.
There has over the years been very strong links with the government of the day. It was with great delight to learn, that the right honourable gentlemen Mr David Cameron, the Prime Minister, named his daughter, the latest addition to his family the name of Florence. We pray that she will have the "caring spirit".
On behalf of the RBNA, Miss Campbell sent deepest sympathies to the Prime Minister, Mr David Cameron and his family, on the death of his father Mr lan Cameron, which the Prime Minister most graciously responded to.
The Archives
It was a great challenge in a very difficult financial situation but it was worth every effort and most rewarding from an educational point of view to have the RBNA material catalogued and to find a suitable place which is accessible for all researchers to work. So through this medium I would like to convey my personal gratitude to all those folk which made it possible for access to the RBNA Archives. Firstly to Miss Kathy Shawcross who is from the London Borough of Sutton, Director of Archives who gave me a list of professional people. Mr Richard Bowden MA Archivists, who most timely and diligently did the cataloguing. The British Library who helped with some of the funding, of which Miss Anne Summers was on the grant panel, Miss Susan McCann, Director of Archives Royal College of Nursing, Mrs Patricia Methven, Director of Archives Kings College, the Strand, London and for the safe deposit of the RBNA Archives, which is being kept at the Strand and is at a central location accessible to all researchers and professional people. Our long standing member Professor Anne-Marie Rafferty CBE Dean of School of Nursing and Midwifery, Kings College in the recent exhibition honouring, "The Thinking Nurse" nurse Florence Nightingale and the role the RBNA played in the education of nurses was highlighted.

To many of our members who continue to be supportive to the RBNA. Miss Anne Wylie, Miss NJE Michie, Miss G Liverton, Miss Ford to Dr John and Moira Gloss for their continued financial support. Also remembering HRH Princess Christian, the first President of the RBNA for the educational vision for the nursing profession. She died 1923 she told an officer she loved the association so much "I gave it my father's motto, steadfast and true" The original RBNA badge.

As a matter of interest Miss Campbell, who is from the Commonwealth Country Jamaica did a pre-nursing course and on completion of the course had to repeat the Florence Nightingale Pledge. Is the Pledge ever used today?
My thanks to the members who give their support by paying subscriptions and to non-members who also give financial support.
Annual Report 2009 |
To all members, here's hoping that you had a good year and that in spite of all the current difficulties from the credit crunch, postal strikes, etc..., you are all able to remain steadfast and true to the RBNA. |
I am appealing to all members to try and recruit new members, in particular new male members. Our President, Sir Aubrey Rose, felt greatly honoured to be the first male President of the Association. He hopes that he will be able to follow in the footsteps of the previous Presidents. |
He also met our former President, who said she was delighted that he will be taking care of the RBNA from now on. |
Please could we ask that all of our male members to enquire if any of their male colleagues would consider becoming members of the Association. |
The attendance at the AGM was very encouraging — as was the fact that we had two new members present, as well as Sir Aubrey Rose presiding over the meeting and giving us his support! |
Dr Stephanie Kirby over the summer was a ward at Buckingham Palace, and visited the Queen's Gallery where she saw photographs many famous historical people including Mary Seacole and her husband, Horace Seacole. |
Finance |
It is rather difficult to say how volatile the RBNA funds are as some of our investments are down to zero % rating. But, due to the low pound for the very first time the Corporation Tax was over £3,000. Also, most of the companies that we have shares in were sold to the RBNA at a reasonable price, so we were able to re-invest in GKN shares. These normally give a very good return. Let's hope they will yield a good financial sum. |
It was interesting to see that the Girl Guides' Movement was a hundred years old. Miss Campbell was a Brownie and a Girl Guide from a young age, and she was in fact helping others in the community at all times when Lady Baden-Powell came to Jamaica. Miss Campbell belonged to the 1stWestmoreland Jamaica Patrol and the Jamaica Military Band played for the March Pass which the 1st Westmoreland patrol won! |
Up until 1988 two members of the Association used to attend the AGM, they were from the TA Reserves and their ranks were Majors — but unfortunately they are no longer with us. They had received Princess Christian Badges. |
Princess Christian used to give the Certificate and Badges to members whether it was for cooking, music or needle-work. Hampton Court Needle School was funded by Princess Christian. The RBNA banner, which is deposited at our Archives at King's College was made at Hampton Court. |
Researchers from all over Europe and North America continue to use the RBNA Archives for the History of Nursing and to trace their relatives. |
The RBNA continues to receive so many distressful begging letters asking for help — the credit crunch seems to be affecting so many people of all different age groups. More referrals are being sent from the Royal College of Nursing, London.
The Accounts are sent to the Charity Commissioners and the RBNA is in communication with the charity for the RBNA to become a Registered Charity, thus reducing the huge amount of Corporation Tax that the RBNA has to pay by the 1st October each year. |
The Executive Committee likes to remain supportive to the RBNA, and more information about members' achievements or significant news that they might have throughout the course of the year would be greatly appreciated. We would also like to be informed if any member is unwell so that we can keep in touch as necessary. Please let us have contact details for a relative or a friend so that we might do this. One of our Executive Members, Grace Nwodili is running a Nursing Health Care Service and more details of this can be had from the Office. |
From time to time the BBC invites members of the RBNA to participate in weekend BBC programmes. Miss Campbell has been in attendance for a few of these; the latest request from the BBC was to discuss the RBNA's views on the Care of the Elderly, and another to do a healthy cooking demonstration for two guests to dine. The BBC do feed you well! It is also interesting to meet people from different disciplines. It is rather difficult to submit members' names due to their duties and not living near to the venue. |
The RBNA also knows that members are suffering from the credit crunch in different ways, but each member's support is required by the paying of the yearly subscription of £10.00. The weekly running of the RBNA is managed by a very small team in the Office. Mrs Sue Harmer left and recently Miss Sian MacArthur joined the staff as Miss Campbell's PA, and Sandie Roberts, book-keeper has left. Delroy Martin BA, M.Inst. AM (ABVDip) who was our book-keeper for eleven years has become an Associate Member and we are grateful for his support. |
We would like to say thanks to those members who wrote in saying that they find the Newsletter useful and interesting. |
Annual Report 2008 |
Baroness Caroline Ann Cox has retired from being the President of the RBNA. Aubrey Rose CBE OBE D. Univ is delighted to be the new President of the RBNA and his president's message is on the President's Message page. |
Heartiest congratulations goes to our member Professor Anne Marie Rafferty who was honoured in I ler Majesties New Year Honours with the CBE and is Head of School Kings College London University. She has written several books the latest being 'The Politics of Nursing Knowledge' which I would advise that you all should and obtain to learn more about the role the RBNA played in the history of nursing education. Professor Rafferty has kindlx contributed a copy of her book for the RB\A archives. |
It is interesting that the Lady with the Lamp Florence Nightingale who has been gixen great acclaim was not supportive to the RBNA. Mary Seacole who at her on expense went to the Crimean war healed the soldiers at the height of the Yellow Fever. It is with delight that a statue of Mary Seacole will be erected somewhere near St Thomas's Hospital where the Florence Nightingale Training School is. |
Archives |
5 or 6 researchers went to the RBNA Archives and about 16 folk made enquires regarding their family history, also including Mrs Ethel Bedford Fenwick. Miss Campbell as in attendance when the British Heritage and The Royal College of Nursing honoured Mrs Bedford Fenwick by putting up a Blue Plaque in London where she lived. This was unveiled on the 22 June 1999 at 20 Upper Wimpole Street. Westminster and read Fenwick Ethel Gordon 1857 - 1947 Nursing Reformer lived here 1887 - 1924. |
The accounts are audited by Charted Accountants Saffery & Champness and were reelected at the Annual General Meeting to continue to do the accounts. Which are sent yearly to the Charity Commission. |
Coutts & Co Senior Investment Manager for the charities do visit to give some reassurance regarding hove well or how poor they are managing the funds. |
Thanks to the Executive Committee Members for their support during the year. Two new executive members joined the committee, Miss Johns who at the moment is not well: we hope she will recover soon. Miss Ann Wylie and Miss Margaret Forbes wishes to be remembered to the members she met at the AGM. |
It is with regret that Miss Margaret Gwenth Meredith Jones. very faithful and supportive members. passed away on the 23rd December 2008. She has kindly left a small donation to the RBNA. |
Much appreciation to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the II for her kind invitation to one of her garden parties. |
Miss Campbell while at St Albans City Hospital at Hems was among the nurses who formed a guard of honour for the Queen when she visited St Albans City Cathedral in the early 1950's for a special celebration. |
Best wishes are sent to Dr. John Sloss for his constant financial support to the RBNA. |
Thanks to the members who have paid their subscriptions. It is still only £10 and runs from the 1st Jan - 31st Dec. Please pay your subscriptions if you have not already done so. |
To some folk the credit crunch might be a good idea. but to savers and the RBNA it is not so good. |
Newsletter 2008 |
Greetings are sent to all members ofthe RBNA in spite of the global economy of doom and gloom, like our motto, we will remain "Steafast and True". |
Much appreciation must be given to Major L Read PASO of the TA Centre and his staff for making us most welcome at the 210 Transport Squadron Headquarters at the TA Centre. On the 21st October Princess Anne officially opned the TA Centre which is named after her. The TA Centre was previously known as Farringdon House which was demolished and rebuilt in 2007 and renamed 'Princess Royal House'. The first President H.R. H. Princess Christina founded the Territorial Army. |
Miss P McCabe, Hon Secretary was missing from the office for a while due to ill health but is now back with us once more. Travelling to the TA Centre is not as difficult as one had thought. It's rather very direct from the Northern Line tube to Morden tube, station where the number 93 bus, plus other buses, stop almost outside the TA Centre. |
It has been an extremely busy year with people writing in for financial help, be it for education, sick children or just help with daily living. Sometimes one off payment is given if they do not come under the regulations. |
The charity is for trained nurses, who due to old age, sickness or disabled are unable to work. It is gratifying when thank you letters are received thanking the RBNA for the financial supprt they have received. |
RBNA Archives |
Many researchers do write in are able to obtain the material they need for the continuation of the history of nursing or the relatives who were members of the association. |
New Members |
A request was made that each member should recruit at least one trained nurse as a member. Three new members have joined the RBNA. |
The RBNA wishes to send congratulations to one of it's members Josephine Warminsley, who works at one of the local hospitals, for the Nurse of the Year Award. Josephine works in the Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinic. |
H.R. H. Princess Christina always acknowledged nurses who excelled in music, cooking, art, embroidary and TA Army by giving medals and certificates. The Needlework school at Hampton Court was founded by Princess Christina and the RBNA banner was made at Hampton Court. |
Executive Committee |
At the Annual General Meeting in June three new members joined the committee; Mrs Carrol Goodridge-Felce, Miss Yolanda John and Mrs Zahra Tondkab. |
Miss Amy Read, Miss Campbell's P.a. left in April to be trained as a Vetinary Nurse, Mrs Sue Harmer replaced her and Mrs Sandie Roberts remains as the book keeper, keeping accurate accounts with the Charted Accounts, Saffret Champness have the accounts ready for the Charity Commissioners each year. |
President |
Baroness Caroline Anne Cox owing to duties in the House of Lords and her travels abroad wishes to resign. It gives me great pleasure to announce that Aubrey Rose CBE OBE D. UNIV has accepted the position as President; He thinks it will be a great honour and looks forward to giving his support to the association. He was in fact legal advisor to the RBNA and played a part in our move from Tollington Part to our office a tthe Duke of York in Chelsea. |
Out thanks to H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth II for her kind invitation to attend one of her garden parties at Buckingham Palace. TO the members of the association who pay their subscriptions, which are due on the 1st of January each year and to the Executive Committee for supporting the RBNA to continue its aims and objectives. |
Please note RBNA badges are on sale for £5 each. |
Annual Report for Year ended 31st December 2007 |
Another year full of activity passed by so quickly, the panel that helped to find a new office consisted of Dr Stephanie Kirby, Mrs P McQueen, Miss Campbell and Miss McCabe. As for the first offices we looked at, the rent was very reasonable but there was no lift to the first floor and the stairs were very steep. A final decision was made to move to the Army TA Centre on the 1st August 2007. We have now settled in nicely to our new premises but it has been a great ordeal with the companies we deal with to submit formal documents. We also had problems getting mail redirected to the new address. Thank goodness it is all corrected now. |

Princess Royal House, our new residence |
The new book keeper Mrs Sandie Roberts took over from Delroy Martin and was able to have the accounts ready for the AGM.
Also joining the team was Jason, however due to an accident he has been temporarily replaced by Miss Amy Read.
RBNA member Nigel Freeney has been assisting us with our website. We are in the process of changing the web address to www.rbna.org.uk.
Lt Colonel K Spires RGN Qvrm RSCN Qvrm TD remains a member of the RBNA however has retired from the executive committee.
Annuitants appreciate our financial help and letters of thanks have been received to the Executive Committee for their support.
There were 10 recipients added to our Annuity List and there were 4 recipients of a one off payments of Ł100 plus Ł30 for Christmas.
We regret the death of Mrs Mary Francis. |
Finance |
The accounts as audited by Saffrey Champness Accountants were signed as a true record. A signed copy of the accounts together with the list of executive members has been sent to the Charity Commissioners. At the AGM Saffrey Champness Chartered Accountants were re-elected as our Chartered Accountants. |
January 2007 - December 2007 |
The RBNA wishes all the members a healthy and peaceful 2008. The previous year was a very busy one. It is very gratifying to receive thank you letters from our annuitants who receive financial support from the RBNA. Researchers continue to obtain and gather information from the archives which are now at Kings College, the Strand London. The Director of the Kings College Archives Miss Patricia Methvin was most helpful in sending her team to collect the items that were listed in the catalogue. However it was with great regret that some items had gone missing from the office. Hopefully they might one day make there way to the archives. |
The National archives keep us up to date with what’s on at Kew. One researcher a Mr Norman G Gooding gathered a lot of information from the RBNA archives and was kind enough to give us a copy of his book entitled “women and Medals 1914” Miss Campbell was also able to meet with Mr Norman Gooding. |
The Annual General Meeting held in June was better attended then in previous years. New Member Margaret Forbes was present at the meeting; she arranged her visit to London in order to attend the AGM. Member of the RBNA are scattered all over the world, including USA, Canada, New Zealand, Caribbean, Australia and Egypt. |
The Executive Committee does require another member. |
The Charities |
The Helena Benevolent Fund’s post office account has been withdrawn. The account is now managed by Merrill Lynch, Black Rock have so far produced a far better financial return then in previous years. Miss Campbell has made one last attempt with the Nuffield to give the Helena Benevolent Fund a charitable cheque for the sale of the Princess Christian Hospital. She has had a reply from the Secretary. They will be looking into the request. |
The solicitor for the RBNA sadly died suddenly, the firm is currently with out a solicitor. |
The Trained Nurses’ Annuity Fund is now managed by Mr P Davies of Coutts and Co who is the Discretionary Investment Manager sine July 2005. In December an appraisal meeting was held of the accounts. There were some losses and small profits, hopefully this will improve. |
The Charity Commissioners at the end of each year have a copy of our signed accounts plus the names and addresses of the Executive Committee members. We get newsletters from the Charity Commissioners setting out and updating the rules on running the Charities. |
A congratulations card was sent to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness Prince Philip. Our grateful thanks go to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for invitations to attend one of her garden parties at Buckingham Palace. Thanks also to Dr John and Moira Sloss for their continued financial support. We wish we had other similar financial supporters. Will members be supportive by sending in their Annual Subscription which is now due, kindly contact the RBNA for bank details should you wish to pay by standing-order. |
Congratulation goes out to Miss Pamela Selfe for having her second daughter, Louisa. Mrs Poore has joined her husband in Egypt but continues to keep in contact. |
2008 should be a year for recruiting new members, can each member make an effort to introduce a nurse to join the association, not only is it a prestigious organisation but it is indeed an honour. The organisation was founded in 1887 the presidents of the British Medical Association were all members of the RBNA including all matron of hospital in UK. The RBNA played an important role in the state registration of nurses in 1919; it is up to all members to keep the association going. Her Royal Highness Princess Christian who died in 1923 loved the association so much that she gave the association her fathers’ motto stead fast and true, as displayed on the RBNA badges. |
AGM June 2007 |
The AGM was held in the conference room at River Bank Business Centre on Thursday the 30th June 2007. Many apologies were received. It is rather encouraging that more members were able to attend.
Subscriptions |
Members were reminded that the subscription year runs from 1st January – 31st December, only £10, which will help in the running of the office. Any Legacy will be gratefully received. |
The date of the next AGM will be Thursday 26th June 2008 in the Sergeants Mess at Princess Royal House, Stonecott Hill, Sutton. The TA Centre is not difficult to get to by road, rail, and tube or bus providing they are not on strike. |
Annual Report for Year ended 31st December 2006 |
Chairman of the Fund
Miss H.M.Campbell
Members of the Executive Committee
Miss H. M. Campbell SRN SCM, Vice President
Miss M. P McCabe SRN SCM, Hon. Secretary
Dr. S. Kirby Executive Co-ordinator
Miss P. McQueen SRN SCM
Mrs G. Nwodili SRN SCM
Mrs L. Poore Ba RGN
Miss P. Selfe BSc Hons RGN
Miss L. deSilva SRN SCM
Lt Colonel K. Spires RGN Qvrm RSCN Qvrm TD
Mrs. R. Unkem
Annuitants appreciate our financial help, we have received letters of thanks.
There were fourteen recipients added to our Annuity List.
There were 5 recipients of a one off payment of £100.
We regret the deaths of Bridget Brady, Beryl Thomas, Joyce Harris, Geraldine Stannard.
The accounts as audited by Saffrey Chapness Accountants were signed as a true record. A signed copy of the accounts together with the list of executive members will be sent to the Charity Commissioners.
At the AGM Saffrey Champness Chartered Accountants were re-elected as our Chartered Accountants
Miss A. M. Campbell SRN SCM Vice president and chairman of funds. |
January 2005 - December 2005 |
The RBNA wishes all the members a healthy and peaceful 2006. The previous year was a very busy one. It is very gratifying to receive thank you letters from our annuitants who receive financial support from the RBNA.
Researchers continue to obtain and gather information from our Archives which are now at Kings College, The Strand, London. We have had enquiries for the Archives not only in the U.K. but also from Iceland, Australia and Canada. An exhibition on Mary Seacole was held at the Black Cultural Archives which are in Kennington, London, SE 11. The National Archives keep us up to date with what's on at Kew.
The Annual General Meeting held in June was better attended than the previous year. Mr. Alan Wicks gave a very interesting talk on "Who will be tomorrow's Nurses" Time was allowed for members to ask questions or give some contribution to the talk. New member, Margaret Forbes, from New Zealand was present at the meeting.
The Executive Committee remains unchanged except for Lt. Col. Spires who became a member. He has been appointed Recruiting Officer for recruiting new members.
The Charities
The Helena Benevolent Fund's Post Office Account has been withdrawn. The account is now managed by Merrill Lynch who have so far produced a far better financial returns than the Post Office.
The Trained Nurses Annuity Fund is now managed by Mr. P. Davies of Coutts & Co. who is Discretionary Investment Manager since July 2005. In December an Appraisal Meeting was held of the Accounts. There were some losses and small profits. Hopefully this will improve.
The Charity Commissioners at the end of each year have a copy of our signed accounts plus the names and addresses of the Executive Committee Members. We get newsletters from the Charity Commissioners setting out and updating the rules on running the Charities. The rent for the RBNA has been increased since November.
Our grateful thanks goes to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2nd for invitations to attend one of her Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace. Thanks also to Dr. John and Moira Sloss for their continued financial support. Wish we had other similar financial supporters. Will members be supportive by sending in their Annual Subscription which is now due. Kindly contact the RBNA for bank details should you wish to pay by Standing Order
The Baroness Caroline Cox has suggested that we appoint another President as she is out of the Country so often. Any suggestions as to a new appointee?
Heartiest congratulations to Pamela Selfe on the birth of her daughter Isabelle.
Miss H. M. Campbell SRN., SCM. Vice President and Chairman of the Funds. |
August 2005 |
The A.G.M. was held in the Conference Room here at the River Bank Business Centre on Thursday the 30th June 2005 Many apologies were received. It was rather encouraging that more members were in attendance. The guest speaker was Mr Alan Hicks from the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery, King’s College, London. He gave a very interesting talk on who will be tomorrow’s Nurses. There was much participation from the members on this subject.
New Members
A new member, Miss Margaret Forbes, from New Zealand was made welcome.
The Committee
Members of the Executive Committee are:
Baroness Cox of Queensbury, SRN BSc MSc Econ FinsTAM FRCN PHD Hons, President
Miss H. M. Campbell SRN SCM, Vice President
Miss M. P McCabe SRN SCM, Hon. Secretary
Dr. S. Kirby Executive Co-ordinator
Miss P. McQueen SRN SCM
Mrs G. Nwodili SRN SCM
Mrs L. Poore Ba RGN
Miss P. Selfe BSc Hons RGN
Miss L. deSilva SRN SCM
Lt Colonel K. Spires (Voted in by Dr S. Kirby and seconded by Miss P. Selfe)
Members were reminded that the Subscription Year runs from the 1st Jan – 31 Dec, only £10, which will help in the running of the office. Any legacy will be gratefully received.
Next A.G.M.
The date of the next A.G.M. will be Thursday 29th June 2006 in the Conference Room here at the River Bank Business Centre. |
Annual Report for Year ended 31st December 2004 |
The RBNA continues to administer the charities for sick and disabled nurses. Referrals are received from; The British Legion, Citizen Advice Bureau, Staying Put, SAFFA, Age Concern, Social Services, Representatives from residential homes and the RCN, Council Welfare Offices and other charities. The regulation does not allow us to give grants for education.
Owing to unforeseen circumstances the AGM was held on the 9th September 2004 instead of June. It was poorly attended. The guest speaker was David Tweede esq, the firm solicitor, who guided us through the resolution for the Trained Nurses Annuity Fund change over. Coutts and Co. are to be discretionary investment managers. Having submitted all the legal identification documents by the executive committee members, this is to be implemented.
The Accounts are checked by Saffery and Champness and are sent to the commissioners with all the names and addresses of the executive committee.
Researchers continue to write in for material from the archives and we are delighted that the RBNA is able to help their work.
Via the internet we continue to receive three new members.
The Princess Christian Hospital Windsor, This has been a time consuming and costly exercise. It began in 1994 with the Nuffield trust asking the RBNA to remove clause 13 of the 1925 Land Settlement Act. No agreement was reached after 18 months as the Nuffield claim they are in debt and could, not honour the land settlement act. It was brought to the RBNA notice that the Princess Christian was up for sale. No consultation had been made with the RBNA. The Helena Benevolent Fund should be a beneficiary. Once again the Nuffield state that they are in debt and will not be able to honour the land settlement act. The RBNA, via the firm’s solicitors, await answers from questions asked of the charity commissioners.
Barclays Bank had the royal charter in safekeeping and after three years trying to find it it has now been found.
The executive committee remains unchanged. No one has joined the committee to take Mrs Williams, place. Mr Martin remains bookkeeper. David Tweede and submitted by associates remain firm solicitors. Mr Arnott at Saffery and Chapness Chartered Accountants remain accountants for the RNBA.
Our thanks to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her kind invitation to attend one of her garden parties at Buckingham Place. To Dr John and Moira Sloss for their constant support and the new computer, & Mr Nigel Freeney, our member for installing the computer. To members who give their support by paying their subscription and giving a donation – the subscription year is from the 1st January – 31 st December. Please write in for the RNBA bank details if you wish to set up your own standing order.
Congratulations to the following members; Dr Anne Marie Raffery on becoming Professor and Dean of the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, Dr Margaret Currie on the publication of her book on fever nursing.
The President Baroness Caroline Ann Cox sends good wishes to all members.
Miss A. M. Campbell SRN SCM Vice president and chairman of funds. |
January 2004 - December 2004 |
Our sympathy and condolences go out to any members or friends who were in the Disaster Zone at Yule Tide. 2004 was very busy for us.
Our President, Baroness Caroline Anne Cox, wishes to be remembered to you all. She apologised for having not attended the AGM. Her job takes her out of the Country most of the time.
Members of the Executive Committee are.
Miss H. M. Campbell, Vice President and Chairman of the Funds.
Miss M. P McCabe, Hon. Secretary.
Miss P. McQueen.
Mrs. G. Nwodili.
Mrs. R. Unkem.
Mrs. L. Poore.
Miss L. deSilva.
Dr. S. Kirby.
Miss P. Selfe.
Mr. Martin, Bookkeeper, Mr. David Tweedie & Asso. Solicitors. Auditors, Saffrey Champness — Chartered Accountants.
A copy of the signed accounts and a list of the Executive Members which now require
members date of birth and telephone numbers, was sent to the Charity Commissioners.
Three new members joined the RBNA. Miss Margaret Forbes from New Zealand for whom we were able to provide an address for her stay in London , Mr. Richard Lloyd Ling from Canada and Mrs. Winsome Austin from England.
With regards to the Archives, researchers still write to us for various copies for their research. Professor McDonald requested copies of Florence Nightingale letters.
A copy of the card sent by The RBNA to Winston Churchill, was sent to the Churchill Archives. They were referred to Kings College where the RBNA Archives are housed.
We continue to administer the Charity Funds for sick and disabled nurses. New Investment Managers at Coutts and Co. have been appointed with discretionary powers.
It seems that today every transaction that takes place one has to present two I. D.s. Yet in December 2004 a cheque book that was sent to us got lost. Three cheques were
cashed, and a fourth was stopped on presentation. The money has been refunded to our account once the Fraud Squad was informed of the illegal transactions.
Re: HRH Princess Christian Hospital at Windsor; ten years ago the Nuffield Trust governed the hospital. After 18 months it was well and truly overspent. In the Land Settlement Act 1925, it was stated that if ever the Hospital was sold, a sum of money should go to the Helena Benevolent Fund. The Hospital has now been sold. The Nuffield has now stated that they are in debt and are unable to honour the Land Settlement Act 1925. The Nuffield is a charitable organisation and should therefore be able to offer a donation to the Helena Benevolent Fund.
Congratulations go to our member Dr. Anne Marie Rafferty on becoming a Professor and Dean of Kings College, London at Camberwell. Our thanks to Dr. John and Moira Sloss for their constant financial support. They also donated a new computer to the office. Thanks to Nigel Freeney, a member, for having it installed.
Once again, the AGM was very poorly attended. The speaker was Mr. David Tweedie solicitor for the RBNA.
Please support the RBNA by paying your subscription which is only £10.00 annually. We are now paying rent at the commercial rate and it is costly running the office. Surely you would not wish the RBNA to cease operating due to lack of funds.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2nd , through the Lord Chamberlain, still extends invitations to one of her Garden Party. It is with regret that some folk do not write and say thank you to the RBNA or even remember to pay their subscriptions.
The RBNA was delighted that a painting of Mary Seacole was found at a car boot sale. It is now hung in the National Art Gallery.
The AGM this year will be on Thursday 30th June at 2pm. here in the Conference Room. Please note that subscriptions are now due for this year. |
AGM Postponed to 9th September 2004 |
Due to unforeseen circumstances, notice is hereby given that the AGM has been postponed from Thursday 24th June to Thursday 9th September at the usual time of 2.00pm.. Apologies for any inconvencie caused
We are in dire need of volunteers to assist in typing and also to assist on the Executive Committee. Please treatt these requests as being urgent.
Thanking you for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely
(Miss) H. M. Campbell. SRN., SCM.
Vice President
January 2003 - December
2003 |
Seasons Greetings to you all and I do hope you all enjoyed
the extremely hot weather that we enjoyed all over the summer.
It is over a year since we moved into the present office
and we have been kept extremely busy.
The RCN gave us the dates for the ICN conference, which
was in Casa Blanca: unfortunately none of our members could
Four new members have joined the Association. Membeership
is for Trained Nurses according to the regulations Enrolled
Nurses were not admitted to the register. All new members
must give their registration or PIN number as verification.
From our archives we were able to send two items to the
Churchill Museum in Cambridge. Many researchers are still
doing research work from the RBNA archives.
We had several invitations to National Archives Lectures
at Kew Gardens.
Mr David Tweedie our solicitor has been attending several
interviews regarding a new nominee custodian for The Trained
Nurses Annuity Fund, as Coutts Bank must retire as custodians
of the fund.
Nigel Freeney and his wife Tracey represented the RBNA
at one of the Queen's Royal Garden Parties. Her Majesty
The Queen was accompanied by Prince Phillip, Prince Charles,
Princess Anne, Prince Edward and his wife Sophie. The weather
was perfect and everyone enjoyed their afternoon tea. There
was a moments excitement as a foolhardy 17 year old youth
decided he would try to streak in front of the royal marquee.
He was quickly smothered by security and lead away by a
couple of beefeaters.
The RBNA administers the charity but the RBNA is not a
charity. Your annual subscription of £10 covers January
to December and helps to pay the commercial rent.
Each member should be responsible in recruiting new memberswho
will uphold the standard of the RBNA. Bearing in mind that
it was the RBNA who formulated the three years training
for Nurses - what is new is their university degree.
Congratulations were sent to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
II on her 50th Coronation Anniversary. She sent good wishes
to the RBNA.
The AGM is always the last Thursday of the month of June.
It was nice to see a few new faces at the AGM though the
attendance could be better.
All annual reports have been sent to the charity commissioners.
Look forward to seeing you at the AGM 24th June 2004.
Wishing you all good health and happiness
in 2004.
H M Campbell
Vice President
Annual Report for Year
ended 31st December 2002 |
The AGM was held in the Conference Room at the Duke
of York’s Headquarters in Chelsea.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and HRH Prince Phillip were
sent congratulations from the RBNA on their Golden Jubilee
which were graciously acknowledged.
It was with great regret that the RBNA has to move from
the Duke of York’s and find accommodation for the
Office and Archives. The MOD were unable to find us accommodation
in any of their bases. Numerous letters and phone calls
were made including writing to the local MP for Chelsea,
Lord Cadogan, HRH Prince Charles. Alas, none of their suggestion
of places were suitable. The RBNA did not pay the commercial
rent at Chelsea. It was a mammoth task finding an office
with reasonable rent. On the 11th November 2002, we moved
to our new office by Putney Bridge. The address is:
Room 502
Riverbank House Business Centre
5th Floor
1 Putney Bridge Approach
Phone: 020 7731 0550
We have only one room.
Travelling is a hazard at the best of times. Putney is
fairly accessible.
It was not possible to have the Archives stored nearby.
Many offers were made for the archives. The RCN archives
in Edinburgh, The Wellcome Institute, The Metropolitan Archives,
The City of London, Kings College, The Strand. On 28th October
2002, Mrs Patricia Methvan, the archivist of Kings College
arranged the safe transportation of the RBNA Archives for
safe keeping. The RBNA reserves all copyrights. There is
suitable accommodation for anyone doing research.
At the AGM apologies were read from those unable to attend
including Miss Campbell. Present at the AGM were the President
Baroness CA Cox, Miss M McCabe, Miss McQueen, Mrs L Poore,
Miss Michie, Dr AM Rafferty, Miss de’Silva, Mrs Treves
Brown, Miss S Howatt, Mrs Kirby, Miss Williams, Mr Bowden,
Mrs N Wodilli, Mr Martin, Mrs S McGann.
The minutes of the last AGM were read and signed. Written
report by Miss Campbell was read by Miss McCabe.
The Accounts were accepted as correct and signed by Saffery
Champness, Chartered Accountants.
The Executive committee remains the same as in 2001. Also
Saffery Champness as the Chartered Accountants.
The guest speaker was Mrs Susan McGann, RCN Archivist Edinburgh.
For the Royal Golden Jubilee celebrations, two members
were invited to attend the Church Service in St Paul’s
Cathedral. One member attended the concert in Buckingham
Palace. Members invited to the Queen’s Garden Party
were lucky as it did not rain, therefore they were able
to enjoy the occasion.
Members should be very proud to be members of RBNA bearing
in mind that the RBNA laid down the foundations for today’s
nursing standards. We welcomed four new members during the
Our thanks to Dr John Sloss for his contribution to the
RBNA also for allowing us to share their web site. To various
friends who helped us find an office and a safe keeping
place for the archives. To members of the Executive committee
especially Miss Liverton, Mrs Poore, Miss Michie and Miss
Wyllie and many long standing members who remain supportive
to the aims and objectives of the RBNA.
The best way to recruit new members is by word of mouth
and encouragement to join.
The RBNA badges are on sale at £5.00 each and membership
is £10.00 per annum due in January.
The RBNA will be sending congratulations to Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth for her Coronation of 50 years.
Miss HM Campbell SRN SCM
Vice President of the RBNA
December 2002 - January
2003 |
The RBNA wishes all its members and the few
friends who give their support to the RBNA, a very healthy
and successful 2003.
The year 2002 was a particularly difficult one, what with
finding a safe home for the Archives and an office for the
RBNA. As soon as Miss Campbell recovered from surgery and
was mobile everything was soon finalised.
On the absence of Miss Campbell, a subgroup was formed
with Dr Ann Rafferty, Mrs Stephanie Kirby and Mr Richard
Bowden, to help find a home for the Archives, with Miss
McCabe giving Secretarial support. As Susan MacGann, RCN
Archivist was the guest speaker at the AGM; it was a foregone
conclusion that the RBNA Archives should go to the RCN Archives
in Edinburgh. This would not have been a practical situation
as one of the RBNA difficulties is that members of the Executive
Committee are in full time employment and are unable to
give the necessary support that is required from time to
Mention must be made of two Executive Committee Members
who gave a lot of their time in helping to find a new office
to the RBNA Miss Gillian Liverton and Mrs Lorraine Poore
also support by Miss Pam Selfe was given.
The RBNA Archives being so unique in the end had a choice
of four offers:-
- The RCN Archives
- The Wellcome Medical Institute
- The Metropolitan London Archives
- Kings College Archives
A very collective decision of having the RBNA Archives deposited
in safe custody at Kings College Archives, The Strand, London
WC2R 2LS was made.
Kings College Archives, London University are simply thrilled
to have such a unique collection of Nursing History deposited
in safe custody with them. Guys and St Thomas’ still
have Student Nurses in training attached to Kings College.
The RBNA reserve all copyrights.
It would be encouraging if members of the RBNA do try and
attend the Annual General Meeting, which is always the last
Thursday in June. Credit given to two of our senior members
who made the effort to attend the AGM from Scotland.
Our president Lady Caroline Ann Cox was in attendance for
part of the Annual General Meeting and wishes to be supportive
to the RBNA.
New Members
Among the three new members who joined the RBNA was Dr Ann
Rafferty. Director of Nursing Policy Research: We welcome
them to the association.
Yearly Subscriptions
The RBNA was founded in 1887. Its continuing survival depends
on your donations and yearly subscription. The new RBNA
badges are on sale for £5.
Golden Jubilee Year
The RBNA sent congratulations greetings to Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth II to which she most graciously acknowledged.
Miss Campbell and Miss McCabe were invited to Her Majesty’s
Thanksgiving Service in St Paul’s Cathedral. A very
moving Thanksgiving Service.
Mr Richard Bowden was lucky in attending one of Her Majesty’s
Concerts at Buckingham Palace. We imagine that he enjoyed
the food hamper with champagne even more than the music.
Members who attended one of Her Majesty’s Garden
Parties at Buckingham Palace were very fortunate that it
did not rain and had a good view of the Royal Party and
enjoyed the tea.
Commemorative Medals
Miss Campbell is very upset that during her absence two
medals; Mary Cochrane Red Cross Medal and a Gold Medal of
Merit given to Miss Isobel Macdonald, that were kept locked
in the safe have gone missing.
New Address
Please note our new address
River Bank House
Room 502
1 Putney Bridge Approach
0207 731 0550
Many Thanks
Our grateful thanks to Dr John Sloss and Mrs Moira Sloss
for their constant financial support and to UK Nursing Web
Sites Ltd who host the RBNA Web site.
My grateful thanks to the Executive Committee and the
members who over the years have given me their support,
while we hope and pray that 2003 will be a better year for
the RBNA.
HM Campbell
Vice President and Chairman of the Charities
December 2001 - January
2002 |
We would like to wish all our members and their relatives
and friends a more peaceful and happier 2002 and do hope
that there will be less SADNESS.
The President
Baroness, Caroline Anne Cox sends you all her good wishes.
She has been busy with her humanitarian work visiting countries
like Indonesia, Malaysia and some remote parts of Burma,
and as Chancellor of Bournemouth University was in attendance
for the ceremony.
Miss Campbell was fortunate to meet Lady Cox in the House
of Commons.
Miss Campbell also met Miss Susan McGann RCN Archivists
at one of the Royal College of Nursing, History of Nursing
lectures, where Dr Anne Marie Rafferty gave the lecture.
The RBNA is on the Internet via Thornbury Nursing Services,
The RCN would like to put on the Internet the History of
Nursing from the British Journal of Nursing, which was owned
and edited by Mrs Bedford Fenwick.
The present Executive committee have been working together
thus maintaining the aims and objectives of the RBNA thus
continuing to help sick and disabled nurses.
New Member - Andrew Mundy
Another member has joined the RBNA recently.
Any Nurses who are qualified and may be doing Healthcare
work may join the RBNA.
As so many nurses at a young age are suffering from stress.
The Office
We have not been told by the Management where we might be
moving to. Lets hope it will be convenient with post office,
bank near by and easy transportation.
All subscriptions are due on the 1st of January. If you
have not paid your subscription for 2001, kindly do so.
You can automatically cease to be a member if you have not
paid your subscription.
The new badges look very colourful and many members wanted
a badge. Please send a cheque for £5 in a stamped
addressed envelope.
Book of Remembrance
Is there any member who can do Calligraphy writing, in order
that entries (names) can be put in the Book of Remembrance?
Regardless of the prevailing weather, Miss Campbell and
Mrs McCabe continue to do the weekly management and administration.
Miss. H.M Campbell,
Vice President
Miss. M.P.McCabe.
Hon Secretary.
A Thought
I shall pass this way but once, any good that I can
do or any kindness that 1 can share with any human being
let me do it now and not defer it for I shall not pass this
way again.
Longfellow. |
August 2001 |
The weather was sunny and bright for the AGM on Thursday
28th June, It was a little disheartening that the attendance
remained poor. As one can appreciate so much hard work is
put in for a very successful AGM.
Many apologies were received. We were very disappointed
that our President, The Baroness Caroline Cox had a sudden
change of plans due to family commitments and was unable
to be in attendance. She sent us her good wishes.
We were very honoured indeed at very short notice to have
Dr. Ann Marie Rafferty. She had just returned from lecturing
in the U.S.A. She spoke on the history of the role that
the RBNA played on policy making. Dr. Arm Marie Rafferty
is a historian on nurse research on policy making. Her talk
was well received.
A guest from New Zealand, Miss Allison Mitchell, Fellow
Researcher at the University of Texas USA. was in attendance.
She is doing some nursing research. Mr. Richard Bowden gave
the vote of thanks.
Miss Campbell was particularly pleased that there is a
cross section of new members who are in active service and
are interested in all aspects of the RBNA and not just the
history side.
Two new members have joined the Executive Committee: Mrs.
Stephanie Kirby,
Lecturer in nursing studies at the South Bank University
and Miss Pamela Selfe, The RBNA is very grateful to Thornbury
Nursing Services for their Vote of Confidence and Financial
Support that they have given the RBNA. The numbers for the
Executive Committee is now complete.
Mr. Stephen Callendar-Grant is a nurse historian who writes
in three professional papers is quite keen to put an advertisement
for the RBNA in one of his free columns.
Will the RBNA gradually return to the days when the President
of the British Medical Association, the President of Surgeons
and Physicians were also President of the RBNA?
There were many army personal as members and who served
on the committee.
A grant was given to help with the listing of the Archives.
The RBNA had to finance the rest of the project which look
a long time to be completed. At that time there were other
liabilities that we were faced with.
All researchers are told that an appointment must be made
and the subject for research must be given in advance. it
is customary for donation to be given on completion of research.
Needless to say, during the past ten years every effort
has been made to revitalise the RBNA. Many legal consultations
have had to be made. There was a Mr. Underwood from Walker
Marlineau. During the 1ast five to six years solicitors
were in attendance at meetings from Osmond, Gaunt, Rose
who are still available to us if necessary.
We must not forget a few long standing members who remain
"Steadfast and True" and are delighted that a
breath of fresh air is invigorating the RBNA. They try to
learn more about the RBNA. A lot of time and devotion has
been spent in getting the RBNA back on the "Straight
and Narrow". We hope that the committee will continue
to serve the Association together as a team. It is also
worth remembering that in any formal meeting there is a
code of professional conduct which should always be exercised.
Date of next A.G.M will be Thursday 27th June 2002 in the
Conference Room.
"Heights by great men reached and kept,
Were not attained by sudden flight
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upwards in the night".
(Miss) H. M. Campbell. SRN., SCM.
Vice President.
Chairman of the Funds. |
At the last Annual General Meeting, we were looking for
a President following the death of Dame Josephine Barnes.
We are delighted that Baroness Cox has accepted the invitation
of being the 6th President of the Association.
On the Executive Committee Miss Liverton and Mrs. Poore
joined the Committee and Mr. Richard Bowden became an Associate
Member of the Association. He keeps us informed regarding
matters of the Archives.
On the Archives, many enquiries have been made regarding
relatives who were members of the R.B.N.A. We are always
very delighted when we are asked to supply from the Archives
the necessary information. Letters are constantly being
sent to us from here in the U.K. and abroad regarding training
and how to get registered. They are always directed to the
right source.
The R.B.N.A continues to administer the Charities. The
two most active ones are the Trained Nurses Annuity Fund
and the Ethel Mary Fletcher. The Helena Benevolent Fund
is for members of the Association who do need help. With
the help of our members from Thornbury Nursing Agency, the
Charities are now on the Internet.
Members of the Association and Friends have sent donations
and books for the Archives and Miss Borg, a former Vice
President left the R.B.N.A. a small legacy which has helped
the Association to remain solvent.
With the members subscriptions, the running of the office
is maintained. The time dedicated by the Honorary Secretary
Miss Mary McCabe, Miss McQueen, Miss DeSilva and Mr. Delroy
Martin for dealing with the accounts during the period of
my absence, my personal thanks to them.
Thanks to Mr. A. R. Arnot of Saffery Champness, Chartered
Accountants and Registered Auditors for auditing the Accounts.
Miss H. M. Campbell
Vice President.
July 2001 |
Join the RBNA on the Internet
The Royal British Nurses' Association would value your
membership by joining the Association. The annual subscription
is £10.00 per annum (please follow the link on the
left for a form you can print off). Donations gratefully
received - details of charities below.
(Miss) H. M.Campbell. SRN., SCM.
Vice President & Chairman of the Charities.
March 2001 |
Incorporated by Royal Charter - The RBNA administers four
charities and would welcome any legacies, funding and support.
Details of the three main charities are listed below:
The Archives open 10am - 4pm
The Ethel Mary Fletcher Fund. Charity No. 209887
c/o The Royal British Nurses' Association -
To help sick and disabled trained Nurses.
Funding and support greatly appreciated.
Trained Nurses Annuity Fund. Charity No. 209883
c/o The Royal British Nurses' Association -
To help sick and disabled trained Nurses.
Funding and support greatly appreciated.
Helena Benevolent Fund. Charity No. 209885
c/o The Royal British Nurses' Association -
To help sick and disabled members of the
Royal British Nurses' Association .
Funding and support greatly appreciated.
January 2001 |
We hope that you have all enjoyed a restful festive season
and trust you did not suffer too heavily as a result of the
recent severe inclement weather. Our sympathy is extended
to those who have.
New President
The RBNA are delighted to announce that Baroness Caroline
Ann Cox has accepted our invitation to become President
of the RBNA. Baroness Cox is well known for her worldwide
humanitarian aid work. We are sure that she will be a great
asset to the work of the Association, with every member
giving their support.
Thank you
The RBNA would like to record their thanks to overseas members
who have sent greetings of good wishes to our new President
and the executive committee of the Association. It is also
pleasing to receive expressions of gratitude from the Associations
annuitants for the continuing financial support of the Association.
We would also like to thank the members who support the
work of the Association by donation.
New Members
We are pleased to report that a few new members have joined
the RBNA since the last newsletter.
There has been much interest from relatives and historians
in tracing the history of particular RBNA badges, but few
enquiries from historians wishing to consult the RBNA archives.
The British Centre for the History of Nursing which in
conjunction with the RCN archive is based in Edinburgh,
are hosting a series of seminars on aspects of nursing history.
The series opened in January with a lecture entitled Why
Women should become nurses and not doctors. Another is planned
for March and the series will end in May with a lecture
by nurse historian Dr Anne Marie Rafferty.
The Wellcome Institute is currently compiling the 4th edition
of their Directory of British Archives. This has corrected
our address and other details. This publication is expected
later in 2001 and the RBNA has purchased a copy for our
Keep in touch
It would be helpful if members write to us informing us
of changes in circumstance both for themselves and other
members known to them. We are always pleased to hear news
of members, and it helps us keep our records up to date.
Subscriptions for 2001 became due on 1st January. Some members
have not yet paid their subscriptions for the year 2000.
The RBNA rely heavily on the contribution made by members
subscriptions to maintain the Association and its premises
If you have not yet paid your subscription, we would be
delighted to receive it.
Advance notice of the AGM
The Annual General Meeting of the RBNA will be held on Thursday
28th June,
Meeting commences sharp at 2pm in the conference room at
the Duke of Yorks Headquarters, Turks Row, London.
Turks Row can be found at the bottom of Lower Sloane Street,
at the side of the Rose and Crown public House.
We hope to welcome as many members as possible at the AGM
July 2000 |
We trust that you were all able to enjoy the Indian Summer.
If not, I do hope that you are taking an Autumn break. It
would be nice if more members were able to attend the Annual
General Meeting. The new members who attended the meeting
were all made welcome and seem to have enjoyed meeting their
colleagues and making new friends.
Dr. Anne Summers gave a very informative talk on the roll
of the RBNA played with the military. She also took the
opportunity of inviting members to visit the British Library.
Among the new members who attended the A.G.M. were Miss
Selfe, Mrs Giltrow and Mrs Poore from Thornbury Nursing
Agency. They presented the RBNA with a computer and an Epson
printer which was very much needed. We are all busy learning
to use the computer.
Miss Wyllie wishes to be remembered to former colleagues.
Mrs Savage is unable to attend meetings as her mother is
now over 90 and cannot be left alone.
Mr Richard Bowden accepted the position as an Associate
Member of the RBNA. He has been most helpful in seeing that
the archives are in order and catalogued. Three new members
have joined the RBNA recently. Mr Stephen Callandar-Grant,
Mr Dylan Kay and Miss Nicola Sparkes.
We are delighted to welcome Mrs Poore and Miss G. Leverton
to the committee.
It is with regret that we have to announce the death of
Mrs Mabel Friend who, in spite of her long illness was treasurer
of the RBNA for a very long time. Instead of flowers, a
donation was sent to Marie Currie Centre where she attended.
We receive interesting Parliamentary Health Reports and
invitations to various health conferences but we have not
been able to attend so far.
Letters sent to us for charitable assistance show that
nurses at a very young age seem to be suffering from Bipolar
Viral Syndrome - Stress and Depression. Some requests are
made from trained nurses for assistance for their offspring,
but we are not always able to grant their requests. Nurses
from India, Indonesia and the Arabic countries are wanting
to work in this country and seek registration.
To all new members, in order to keep an accurate record
in our register, would you please let us have the name of
your training school and any Diploma you might have to be
added to your records.
Please make a note in your diary that the A.G.M. is always
held on the last Thursday in June each year and the date
for the next A.G.M. is 28th June 2001 commencing at 2.00pm.
(Miss) H. M.Campbell. SRN., SCM.
Vice President.